1·Test goal This test checks whether the manual function and the automatic function of the deduster work correctly.
2·This test checks for proper connection, impedance balance between the phases and minor or impending short circuits in the windings.
3·The test checks descendants of the x: instance element to see whether they have either the XForms namespace or the namespace of the root node.
该测试检查x: instance元素的后代,看它是在XForms名称空间中,还是在根节点的名称空间中。
4·Our CI server checks out a clean build and runs test cases from scratch each time I check in a new change.
我们的 CI 服务器会检查出一个干净的构建并会在我每次检查新更改时从头运行测试用例。
5·Once it checks and makes sure that all test case execution is completed inside each WPAR, it can start the next test case.
一旦它检查并确保所有测试案例都在每个 WPAR 内部完成,它就可以开始下一个测试案例了。
6·The following sample code first checks if an entry is made to the log file after the test case completes.
7·A test that invokes the service with a valid postcode and checks that a known set of data is returned.
8·To run a test case, it is sufficient to construct the test data based on the primary persona and then do additional accessibility checks based on the secondary personas.
9·A test that supplies an invalid postcode and checks that a fault occurs.
10·He also checks how many rapid diagnostic test kits for malaria he has left.